Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Fun in the sun

Low water has persisted for much of the first part of the trout season, but there has been some fine fishing on our rivers. Sea trout are now running in increasing numbers every night, and we are making forays to the coast in pursuit of the bass.

David Pilkington failing spectacularly to catch a nice trout rising in this tasty little run on the Ottery

A stealthy approach in low clear water.

The reward, a cracking wild brownie in top condition.

David Chapman of the Westcountry Rivers Trust demonstrating kick-sampling for invertebrates on our Wild Trout weekend. Note full summer elegance.

Striding through a gentle surf for bass on the north Devon coast.
Charlie Coups with her first night-caught sea trout, a beauty of  3 pounds 4 ounces from the Lyd.

David exhibiting the level of concentration needed to catch wild trout. Note the downward glance at a fast moving reflection of a bird on the water surface, the upward glance to determine if it was a cormorant, and the trout taking full advantage of this to take and eject the mayfly. Expletive deleted. It was a mallard.