The odd salmon is now nosing into fresh water, along with some good-sized early sea trout. May should see the start of serious salmon fishing, with a chance of a fish well into the middle beats around Lifton.
Trout fishing started well, with Bob Wellard taking 3 wild brownies on opening day from beat 4 on the Thrushel, the best at 12 inches. A total of 37 trout and 8 grayling have come from the Arundell Arms beats during March, the best grayling a very respectable one-pounder by Matthew Knight from beat 9A on the main Tamar.
Fly hatches are starting to pick up, after a rather slow time with water temperatures quite low. Grannom have been more numerous than the large olives, and the month of May sees a real burst from black gnats, more olives, yellow may duns and of course the mayfly itself.