Thursday 15 April 2010

First Salmon and Sea Trout 2010!

Arundell Arms instructors David Pilkington and Tim Smith started the catches rolling on the River Tamar this week with (as far as we know!) the first sea trout and salmon of the season.
On April 13th, the pair fished a section of the lower river and David hooked a big sea trout within half an hour of starting. While Tim took snaps of the dramatic fight, the fished threw the hook just moments away from the net!
Not to be beaten, David moved to a pool lower down and hooked another fish! This one, just under 3lb of sea-liced spring peal, didn't escape. David hooked both fish on an intermediate line and (perhaps not a big surprise!) a size four Pilk's Bumble.

The following afternoon, and just a few hundred yards from David's previous success, the pair saw a fish show while they were having a bite to eat. They both fished down the long pool to cover it, but it was Tim's lucky day. Fishing a 7wt rod, Di3 line and size four WMD (an outfit aimed at early sea trout), Tim saw himself connected to eight pounds of very angry springer. A spectacular fight in powerful water saw Tim chasing up and down the pool until David did the honours with the net. The fish was in absolutely perfect condition and incredibly fresh, bearing long-tailed sea lice. After a quick photo or two, the salmon was safely returned to the Tamar.