Sorry for the lack of reports of late - it's been a busy fortnight here at the Arundell Arms. A full report of the Sea Trout Festival will come soon, complete with pictures, but suffice to say that a great time was had by all. Sadly, the fish were very much thin on the ground, with a lot of hours fished by a lot of anglers for only 19 landed to 3lb. However, most of these fish were first ever sea trout for the festival goers, which is the aim of the game.
The sea trout are still a little thin on the ground, although reports of large shoals of school peal on the lower river are very encouraging... so watch this space.
Trout fishing is still relatively good for the time of year, and small goldhead nymphs are taking the lion's share. A size 16 goldhead Prince Nymph was just the ticket for one angler on beat 3 of the Lyd yesterday who - in his own words - caught 'TOO MANY' fish!!!
Salmon... well. When we finally get some rain, we'll let you know. Tomorrow's forecast is a wet one so fingers crossed.
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