Friday 9 December 2011

Devon Salmon Fishing - great news for the future

It's great to report that very good numbers salmon have already spawned on the tributaries of the Tamar. Each winter we walk the rivers and take note of the numbers of fish that have spawned and where. Due to various reasons, some tributaries offer better opportunities for the fish, with the Lyd being a shining example. Much of the conservation work done by river keepers and organisations such as the Westcountry Rivers Trust  is to improve the quality of those tributaries that don't offer the fish appropriate habitat in which to spawn. Below are a few pictures taken in the last few days and a video of salmon spawning that we shot a couple of years ago. For the Lyd fish at least, all looks good for the future...
A large cock fish showing signs of fungus (this is normal) lies tucked under the bank.

Two salmon redds on the Lyd - note the 'clean' gravel. Good numbers of fish have already spawned this winter.

The salmon have made good use of the Lyd's perfect spawning habitat.